Holistic Spa Treatment Rituals
Linda Hall Luxury Spas offer an ever expanding variety of massage and holistic treatment spa rituals to satisfy our most discerning guests. Our Sensory Holistic Spa Treatment Rituals will revitalise, relax, stimulate or sedate you - whichever rubs you righter!
Herbal Poultice Massage ritual (Luk Pra Kope)
During this blissful Thai based massage ritual, warm, healing, herbal poultices are rolled, massaged and pressed onto the body, tracing the energy pathways and pressure points. Muscular tension is released, inducing a deep relaxation.
Earth Mother Pregnancy Massage RITUAL
A beautiful and respectful massage for mother-to-be. This ritual incorporates the option of a ‘Warm Water Float Away,’ the ultimate in pure bliss, comfort, relaxation and total luxury. Both mother and baby enjoy a nurturing ritual where the whole massage can be performed with mum laying on her back, so no need to turn over or struggle to find a comfortable position. The natural healing and nourishing elements of Shea and Cocoa butters, combined with Vanilla & Orange and deeply relaxing techniques, make this the ultimate safe and comforting massage. (Only suitable during second and third trimesters.)
Shirodhara (shiro=head, dhara=pouring oil)
The ultimate mental and emotional relaxation therapy. Shirodhara is traditionally used to calm the nerves, harmonise the emotions, purify the mind and help fatigue, anxiety, insomnia and excessive thinking - basically all those conditions commonly affecting people in today’s ‘full on’ lifestyle! Warmed oil is poured over the forehead for an extended period of time, which awakens the energy and healing powers of the third eye. Linda Hall Spas put their own healing spin on this ritual, by combining a 15-minute Shirodhara and 15-minute Head Massage. A 30-minute Shirodhara is a great addition to any body treatment, particularly a wrap.
Cucumber and Aloe Cooling Drench ritual
Combining the beautiful, healing, soothing, gifts of The Caribbean’s natural bounty, fresh Aloe is blended with Cucumber to create a cooling skin drenching wrap. Therapeutic application to the body will naturally relieve the skin from sunburn or heat. An icy cool, hydrating, blissful experience.
“All rituals are a beautiful synergy of time-honoured traditions and modern holistic spa techniques. Each one carefully designed by Linda Hall to epitomise the vibrancy and luxury of The Caribbean region.