My multi-diverse career as a spa consultant brings me so much pleasure and satisfaction. For me it's one of the most rewarding, mind expanding, exciting, life enhancing and inspiring journeys you can choose as your career path. I am creating a beautiful "Spa Garden Heaven" at Rockhouse Hotel & Spa in Jamaica, to house the new couples bathing pavilion we will be launching later this year. Part of this project had me up before 6am and off up into the hills of Jamaica in search of the perfect blooms/herbs/plants for my Paradise Caribbean Spa Garden. Feeling refreshed and energized after my Rockhouse Green Juice and Ginger Shot (Part of another element of my job description last year was being instrumental in creating a Juice Program at Rockhouse). Fully revitalized, I was on the road and on a mission. The countryside of Jamaica is breathtakingly beautiful and so peaceful once you get off the hotel roads and into the countryside and hills. The journey took me from Negril past Little London on the road to Savanna-la-mar, (often abbreviated to just "Sav") which is the capital of Westmorland. Turning off at Sav we took the "pot-hole" roads into the countryside. We visited three great spots to find the perfect blooms... It was a beautiful and successful morning, our van loaded to the max with a blaze of colorful plants which included Hibiscus in every color, coffee rose, plumbago, bird of paradise, pink and red ginger lilies, lantana, periwinkle and so many more. I was like a child in the Garden of Eden... We brought our natures bounty back to the hotel so that they could acclimatize to the Rockhouse environment. The perfect end to the perfect morning was a stop off for a couple of soy patties and a cold coconut water in Sav... I did say at the beginning of this post, I have a career that brings me endless pleasure and satisfaction. Will keep you up to date as this exciting project unfolds. #spa #spagarden #lindahallspaguru #rockhouse #bathingrituals #Jamaica #Negril